Contributing to environmental conservation and the formation of a recycling-oriented society
Hyogo Pulp is engaged in the pulp business by employing used wood and lumber mill scraps. By leveraging the technology acquired in the pulp business, the Company also supplies green electricity that is generated from biomass.
Through its business activities that efficiently use wood resources and biomass energy, Hyogo Pulp participates in the formation of a sustainable recycling-based society.
With ISO14001 certification, which is an international standard of environmental management, the Company has continually worked to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities.
Environmental Management
Working to conserve the environment by publishing Environmental Policies and constructing an Environmental Management System
Environmental Policies
Hyogo Pulp Co., Ltd. - Environmental Policies
- Hyogo Pulp Co., Ltd. shall further promote the manufacture of resource-conserving kraft pulp by using such recycled materials as used wood and lumber mill waste, while conducting resource-conserving and energy-saving business activities by effectively using more pulp cooking waste liquor as biomass energy. The Company shall contribute to society in the formation of a sustainable recycling-based society.
- The Company shall give priority to the following items with respect to the impact that the Company’s business activities exert on the environment, and shall set and review objectives and goals so as to achieve ongoing improvement and prevent pollution.
- Reinforcement of environmental improvement measures and the environmental management system
- Promotion of energy saving
- Promotion of effective use of lumber waste and used wood recycling
- Reduction of waste and promotion of its effective use
- The Company shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations and ordinances, as well as agreements and any other requirements that it consents to undertake.
- The Company shall train all those who work within and those who work for the organization so that they can act appropriately to build a corporation devoted to environmental conservation.
- The Company discloses these policies for access by the general public.
April 1, 2021
Hyogo Pulp Co., Ltd.
Masahiro Takahashi, CEO
Environmental Management System
Hyogo Pulp was ISO14001 certified in October 2002. ISO14001 is an international standard of environmental management systems. The Company has been making companywide efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities.
Guided by the priority themes described in its Environmental Policies, the Company is committed to continuing to promote further energy conservation and resource recycling efforts.

Certificate of Registration
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