Proper Sourcing of Wood Resources
In line with its Basic Policies on Wood Feedstock Sourcing, the Company ensures the legality of all wood feedstock purchases.
Composition of wood feedstock
Approximately 90 percent of the wood resources that Hyogo Pulp uses as raw materials come from used and recycled wood, such as lumber scraps and wood from dismantled structures. Only about 10 percent is wood (low-quality timber) from timber forests.
Even though forestry resources only play a small part in the Company’s business activities, the Company follows guidelines established by the Forestry Agency and the Japan Paper Association. In line with its Basic Policies on Wood Feedstock Sourcing, the Company has established a legal compliance verification system for strict management to ensure that no illegally harvested timber is used.
The major part of the wood feedstock purchased by the Company is sourced domestically. Only a small amount is imported from overseas suppliers. The following diagram shows the composition of the Company’s wood feedstock purchases. The Company is committed to utilizing such wood resources as lumber scraps and wood from dismantled structures.

Basic Policies on Wood Feedstock Sourcing
Hyogo Pulp established its Basic Policies on Wood Feedstock Sourcing in 2006 and promotes the proper sourcing of wood feedstock.
- Strict Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Company shall procure wood feedstock that has been produced in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Company shall make its utmost efforts to avoid purchasing wood feedstock in the following categories:
- Illegally harvested timber;
- Wood that was harvested by infringing upon traditional rights and civil rights;
- Timber harvested from high conservation value forests that are threatened due to management activities;
- Timber harvested from timber plantations or forests that are being converted to non-forest use; and
- Timber from forests where genetically modified trees have been planted
- Promotion of the Use of Timber Offcuts, Recycled Wood, and Unused Wood
- The Company shall use waste lumber scraps as raw materials.
- The Company shall use wood from dismantled houses, used packing materials, and discarded pallets as raw materials.
- The Company shall use wood procured from forest thinning as raw materials.
- Disclosure of Information about Progress
The Company shall periodically disclose a summary of its progress status.
- Construction of Mutual Trust and Prosperity
The Company shall endeavor to build a relationship of trust with its customers, and strive to procure goods and services, so as to achieve the best outcome with respect to the environment, safety, quality, and cost in the spirit of mutual prosperity and coexistence.
- Consideration for Biodiversity
In addition to its ongoing work on preventing global warming and environmental activities toward the formation of a recycling-based society, the Company shall endeavor to achieve biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of timber resources.
System to Prove Legal Compliance
Since 2006, Hyogo Pulp has utilized a legal compliance verification system on wood feedstock sourcing. All timber suppliers are required to furnish the Company with a traceability report, which is used to verify the legality of the wood feedstock received.
- The Company requires traceability reports from its wood feedstock suppliers that entail the verification of legal compliance. By examining the sources of wood feedstock and the forest management methods used, the Company verifies the legal compliance of its procured timber. In addition, Company employees periodically check and verify compliance by suppliers.
- Relevant data are retained for a minimum of five years, and disclosed as necessary for audits, etc.
- The Company has a third party periodically conduct audits on the Company's compliance and discloses a summary of such audits.
Purchasing FSC-certified wood
Hyogo Pulp purchases FSC-certified wood feedstock. FSC certification is granted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an international organization, to timber harvested from forests that are managed sustainably with attention given to environmental conservation and social benefit.
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