The internal region of Hyogo Prefecture is endowed with an abundance of pine, Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress, other tree species, and bamboo. Hyogo Pulp was established in February 1955 by succeeding the business of Koa Seni Kogyo, which was established in 1939 and produced bamboo pulp, and that of Koyo Seishi Kogyo, established in 1947 and produced soda pulp and unbleached kraft pulp.
1955 | February: | Hyogo Pulp was incorporated. Daily UKP production: 10 tons(300 tons/month) |
Photo of the entire plant (circa 1955-1965) |
1956 | September: | Nos. 1 through 3 digesters and associated pulp equipment were added. Daily production: 40 tons |
1958 | August: | Hyogo Pulp Co., Ltd. was established and took over operations of the Tanigawa plant. | |
1968 | March: | A Kamyr pulp machine (current No. 2 machine) was newly installed. | Batch-type digester Manufacturing operation (circa 1965-1975) |
1969 | December: | The No. 4 digester (36 m3) and associated pulp equipment were added. Daily production: 100 tons |
1971 | June: | A pressure floatation wastewater treatment apparatus was newly installed. | |
1973 | September: | The No. 1 lime kiln and a continuous causticizing plant were newly installed. The No. 5 digester (40 m3) was added. |
1974 | August: | The No. 1 soda recovery boiler power generator (with 56 t/h evaporation, 6,400 kW output) and the No. 1 black liquor concentrator were newly installed. Daily production: 150 tons |
1975 | December: | The No. 1 Kamyr pulp machine was newly installed. | |
1976 | March: | An activated sludge-type wastewater treatment apparatus was newly installed. | |
1977 | September: | The No. 1 kraft pulp continuous digester (350 m3) and a steam stripping deodorizer were newly installed. The No. 2 pulp machine was moved. Daily production: 300 tons |
1978 | February: | Reinforcement of the marketing system was initiated. |
1981 | November: | The No. 2 soda recovery boiler power generator (low odor, 7,000 kW output) and the No. 2 black liquor concentrator were newly installed. Daily production: 360 tons |
1984 | March: | The No. 3 (double wire) pulp machine was added. Daily production: 400 tons |
1985 | February: | 30th anniversary of incorporation | |
1988 | August: | A continuous digester was remodeled. A pressure washer (PD) was newly installed. Daily production: 500 tons |
1989 | November: | The No. 1 black liquor concentrator, demineralizer, cooling tower, white liquor clarifier, and deodorizer (SS) were renovated. | The No. 3 soda recovery boiler under construction (1990) |
1991 | January: | The No. 3 soda recovery boiler (low-odor, high-pressure/high-temperature type with 160 t/h evaporation) was newly installed. Daily production: 550 tons |
1992 | July: | The No. 2 lime sludge kiln was newly installed. | |
1993 | September: | The No. 3 turbine generator (40,000 kW output) and power transmission facility were newly built, initiating the supply of biomass electric power. | |
1999 | May: | The No. 2 kraft pulp continuous digester (1,010 m3) was newly installed. Use of recycled materials increased. The washing odor combustion treatment line was renovated. Daily production: 600 tons |
The No. 2 continuous digester under construction (1999) |
2002 | March: | Export of pulp to China began. | |
October: | ISO14001 certification acquired. | ||
2004 | October: | The No. 4 biomass power generator (with 85 t/h evaporation, 18,900 kW output) was newly installed and achieved synergetic effects with the No. 3 biomass power generator. | |
2005 | February: | 50th anniversary of incorporation | 50th anniversary of incorporation |
2006 | May: | The No. 3 pulp machine was remodeled (to a Kamyr machine). | |
2008 | September: | The No. 4 biomass power generator was certified to be a Green Power Generator (the Feed-in Tariff Scheme). | No. 4 biomass boiler under construction |
2013 | February: | The No. 4 biomass power generator received FIT certification. | |
2014 | March: | Combination combustion of unused materials and ordinary wood started at the No. 4 biomass power generator on a limited scale. | |
2015 | February: | The new No. 1 pulp drying machine (N-1) started up. | The drying machine under construction |
February: | 60th anniversary of incorporation | 60th anniversary of incorporation |
2016 | February: | A pulp washer was added, along with the remodeling of a piece of screen equipment. | |
2017 | December: | Construction of the No. 5 biomass power generator (with 85 t/h evaporation, 22,100 kW output) was completed by Paltec Energy Co., Ltd. |
Hyogo Pulp Co., Ltd.
Copyright(C) HYOGO PULP Co.,Ltd. All Right Reserved.