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Supplying Green Electric Power

Continuing to expand biomass power generation by promoting the efficient use of resources

A major green power supplier

Unlike such renewable energy sources as solar and wind power, biomass energy is distinguished by its ability to stably supply power. For this reason, efforts are being made at various locations to capitalize on this energy source. To date, however, much of the country's biomass-based power is supplied by small-scale operators.

Hyogo Pulp annually generates 130 million kWh of biomass-based electricity, using a biomass boiler capable of 85 t/h evaporation and a turbine generator with 18,000 kW output.

The environmental value of the electricity generated by Hyogo Pulp and consumed in-house has been certified by a third-party organization (Japan Quality Assurance Organization) as green power. The environmental value is monetized in the form of a Green Electricity Certificate and sold by a certificate-issuing business operator (Next Energy & Resources).

Green Power Generation Facility Certificate

Green Power Generation Facility Certificate

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